GHMC Building Regularization Scheme 2015 ,GHMC Layout Regularization Scheme 2015
Regulation of Unauthorized Constructed
Buildings and Building Constructed in Deviation to the Sanctioned Plan
Regularisation Scheme Rules
Telangana State has experienced rapid growth of
urbanization and the population of Hyderabad has increased to 70 lakhs as per census
2011. Telangana State has been making rapid strides in economic development in the
recent past. Consequently the migration to urban areas from villages has increased
manifold. There is a great spurt in construction activity to meet the increased
demand for buildings due to general economic development and migration from rural
areas. In this process of development, it is noticed that a large number of unauthorized
layouts and unauthorized buildings are cropping up in urban areas.
Objectives of Regularisation:
1) To regulate each and every
building constructed unauthorisedly or in deviation of the sanctioned plan so
as to create deterrence against any such practice.
2).To bring all the unauthorized constructions
into planning fold and to regulate the development in urban areas.
3). To provide an opportunity to the
owners of the buildings to regulate their unauthorized constructions and deviations
made to the sanctioned plan.
4). To provide relief to several persons
who have purchased buildings without any knowledge about the building regulations
1)They shall be applicable to existing
buildings in the jurisdiction of all Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, Hyderabad
Metropolitan Development Authority and
Urban Development Authorities in the
State of Telangana constructed from 01.01.1985
to 28.10.2015.
1.Existing Buildings constructed without
obtaining sanction from the competent authority from 1-1-85 till the date of publication
of T.S. Municipal Laws and Urban
areas (Development) Act-2008
Regularization not to apply to certain
1.Encroachment on Government land or
property belonging to Public undertakings,
Housing Board, Telangana State Industrial
Infrastructure Corporation, Urban Development Authorities, Local bodies, Endowments,
Wakf Board, etc.;
2) .Land for which the applicant has
no title;
3.Surplus land declared under Urban
land Ceiling /Agriculture Land Ceiling/ lands
resumed under Assigned Lands (POT) Act;
4)Buildings affected under alignment
of any road or proposed road under Master
Plan/Zonal Development Plan/Road Development
Plan or any other public roads/MRTS;
5)Tank bed and Sikham lands;
6). Areas prohibited for construction
under GOMs No. 111 MA&UD Dept., dated
8-3-1996 (protection of Catchment area
of Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar lakes);
7)Layout / Master Plan open spaces /
Areas earmarked for Recreation Use / open
space use in Master Plan/Zonal development
8)Buildings that are not in conformity
with land use and zoning regulations approved
in Master Plan/Zonal development Plan;
9). Sites under legal litigation/ disputes
regarding ownership of the site / building;
10). Area earmarked for parking as per
sanctioned plan;
11) .Unauthorized constructions without
any building sanction in unapproved / unauthorized layouts, for which prior approval
of site/plot under regularization
of unapproved and illegal layout rules
shall be obtained
Exemptions from BR:
Buildings constructed prior to 01.01.1985
exempted from these Rules.8. Compulsory
Submission of Applications:
Applications under BR shall be filed
compulsorily in the prescribed form with all enclosures by the owners of the buildings
mentioned in Para 5 in the office of the
Municipal Corporation / Municipality
/ Urban Development Authority as the case may
be within 60 days (i.e. by 31-12-2015)
from the date of publication of the Rules.9.
Who can apply under BR:
The following persons can apply under
1).Owner of the building
2). Registered G.P.A. Holder
3). Developer / Builder / Association
who has developmental rights
Regulation of Unapproved and Illegal Layouts:
Layout Regularisation Scheme
Rules for Regulation of Unapproved Layouts:
Government with a view to bring all
these unplanned areas into the fold of planned development and to arrange basic
facilities in these areas has come up with a pragmatic solution namely
Regulation of Unapproved and illegal layouts.To give effect to the above policy
,Government have issued Statutory Rules for Regularization of Unapproved and
illegal layouts (herein after called Layout Regularization Rules-2015). It is
intended to help the people to bring such unapproved layouts into the planning
fold by getting them regulated and to enable them to get building permissions
1. To bring all unauthorized
layouts/sub-divisions into planning frame work and
regulate the development.
2.To facilitate the implementation
of master plan.
3. To improve the circulation
pattern of roads.
4. To provide relief to the several
persons who have purchased plots without awareness about layout regulations/layout
Applicability of the Layout Regularisation
(i) These Rules shall be applicable
to Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority,
Kakatiya Urban Development Authority and
Basara Urban Development Authority,
Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and
Gram Panchayats falling in the Master Plan limits in the State of Telangana.
(ii)These Rules and conditions
herein shall be applicable to all existing unapproved sub-division of plots,
existing unapproved layouts or ventures promoted by land owners/ private
developers/ firms/ companies/ property developers /Societies where the plots have
been sold by registered sale deed on or before 28.10.2015.
(iii) These Rules are only intended
for regulating the unplanned development and shall be applicable to all unapproved
layout areas which have clearance from the competent authorities under the
Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act 1976, AP Land Reforms (Ceiling on
Agricultural Holdings) Act, 1973 wherever required
and which have not been entered in
the Prohibitory Register of lands maintained by the Revenue Department. The
Regularization measure would not absolve the plots or layout from the
application of Land ceiling laws, land disputes or claims over title, boundary
disputes, etc. In respect of assigned lands, prior clearance from the District
Collector shall be obtained.
(iv).In the event of only some plot
holders coming forward for regularization in an unapproved layout, the layout pattern
as approved by the competent authority shall be applicable to the entire layout
area. The local authority shall be responsible for enforcing such approved
layout pattern
Layout Regularisation Rules-2015 is not applicable in the
following cases.
a) No layout/development activity is
allowed in the bed of water bodies like river
or nala, and in the Full Tank Level
(FTL) of any lake, pond, cheruvu or kunta and
in shikam lands.
b) The above water bodies and
courses to be maintained as recreational/Green
buffer zone, and no layout development
activity other than recreational use shall
be carried out within:
(i).30 m from the boundary of river course/
Lakes of area of 10 Ha and above;
(ii) .9 m from the boundary of lakes
of area less than 10 Ha/ kuntas/shikam lands;
(iii).9 m from the boundaries of
Canal, Vagu, etc.
(iv).2 m from the defined boundary
of Nala
c) Unless and otherwise stated, the
area and the Full Tank Level (FTL) of a lake/kunta
shall be reckoned as per the
Master Plan/Revenue Records/Irrigation records.
d) Unless and otherwise specified in
the Master Plan/Zonal Development Plan,
(i) in case of (b) (i) above, in
addition to development of recreational/green belt along
the foreshores, a ring road or
promenade of minimum 12m width may be developed,
wherever feasible.
(ii) .The above greenery/landscaping
and development shall conform to the guidelines
and provisions of the National
Building Code of India, 2005.
e)For layout development activity
within the restricted zone near the airport or within
500 m distance from the boundary
of Defense areas/ Military establishments,
necessary clearance from the concerned Airport
Authority/ Defense Authority shall be
f) In case of sites in the vicinity
of oil/gas pipelines, clear distance and other stipulations
of the respective authority shall be complied with.
g) For areas covered under G.O.Ms.No.111
M.A & U.D Dept., dated 8-3- 1996
(protection of Catchment area of Osmansagar and Himayatsagar lakes),
from the provisions of statutory Master Plan of
HMDA / HADA the restrictions on layout and development activity imposed in the
said Government orders would be
h) No approval shall be considered
in sites which are earmarked for Industrial Use Zone/Recreational Use Zone/Water
Body / Open space use in notified Master Plans/Zonal Development Plans.
i) Open Spaces earmarked in any
approved layout are not be considered for regularization under these Rules.
Compulsory submission of applications:
Applications under this scheme shall
be filed compulsorily with all enclosures in the prescribed form by owners of
plots in unapproved layouts in the office of the Municipal Corporation/
Municipality /Urban Development Authority as the case may be within 60 days
(i.e., by 31.12.2015) from the date of notification of the Rules
Who can apply under L.R.:
i). Individual plot owners in
unapproved layouts having registered sale deed executed prior to notification
of the
rules (i.e., prior to 28-10-2015)
2)Associations / Societies / Welfare
Society / Colony Developer representing the unapproved layout plot owners having
registered sale deed executed prior to notification of these rules. In these
cases 3 Members selected by the Associations / Societies / W
welfare Society of the unapproved
layouts will act as resource persons who can represent the case before the Competent
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